Thursday, August 18, 2016

Chronic Inflammation - What your Chiropractor can do

Chronic inflammation can be the cause of many long-term health conditions.
Inflammation in itself is not harmful. In fact, it’s a normal and healthy attempt by the body to preserve itself. Inflammation helps remove harmful debris like irritants and pathogens from the body so that the healing process can begin. The problem begins when regular inflammation becomes chronic. At this point, the body creates more inflammation in direct response to the existing inflammation—a cycle that can have dire consequences.
What Causes It?
Chronic inflammation is caused by an imbalance in the immune system. Your acquired immune system develops over time via exposure to our environment, and the more successes it has, the stronger it becomes.
That’s why it’s important for us to avoid taking unnecessary antibiotics—learning to fight bugs and allergens makes our acquired immune system stronger. In addition, certain foods and lifestyles can increase the risk of chronic inflammation.
Not getting enough rest, too much stress and a high carbohydrate diet are just a few ways you increase your risk of chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation can also be the result of the body’s inability to eliminate the cause of acute inflammation or an autoimmune response where the immune system mistakes healthy tissue for unhealthy pathogens.
How can my Chiropractor help?
Studies have shown that adjustments help reduce the production of two inflammatory cytokines, which can reduce inflammation throughout the body.
Chronic inflammation responds very well to lifestyle changes. Your chiropractic team can talk to you about how to begin an anti-inflammation diet that’s filled with nutrient-dense, low calorie foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish. Supplements like vitamin D and magnesium may also provide relief from chronic inflammation.
Set up an appointment today by stopping by or calling at (802) 557-8568. Visit our website at, or Like us on Facebook.

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